Hurts To Be Human

With over seven trillion nerves, the human body must be nature’s most complicated puzzle piece… Heck, that makes the human body an entire puzzle on its own and as if with over seven billion people in the world that’s not enough, each body is different. I heard a watch maker say once that with every new watch she puts together, it feels like she’s taking a new exam, I can’t help but think of us like that now. As time pieces.

Life is measured by time, engineered by the one Maker that doesn’t feel like He’s taking an exam. On the contrary, He sets the question paper with a memorandum in place. He already knows how long our battery life is, depending on when the pin is pushed it to signal ‘Start’, depending on whether or not when the battery dies it will be replaced or if that would be considered the end of the watch’s lifespan.

The nerves in the human body are just as complicated as the machanics that go into a watch if not more so. Each one triggering a response from some part of the body, good or bad, understandable or not. The response sounds some kind of an alert almost always but we can’t hear it or choose to ignore it because where do you start figuring out the language of over seven trillion nerves inside your body? I always say ‘I wish my body could talk so it could explain to me exactly what’s wrong and how to fix it’ and I always remember that the body does talk, it has a mouth. It’s up to me to try and interpret the language of over seven trillion nerves to another puzzle that has its own different wiring and machanics. They’re the kind that are meant to help with the proper interpretation and answers… I say ‘help’ because only the Maker can truly know wassup. This is why I can’t understand how some doctors do what they do without believing in God and without the help of the Holy Spirit.

This is how and why we spiral… Much like the world is now, much like I am now. If each malfunction in the machanics of the body triggers a ripple effect through so many other nerves and the organs they’re attached to, it’s no wonder we’re in pain we don’t know how to fix, why I’m in pain I can’t fix.

I’m not really sure what I’m getting at here, I’m heavily medicated so please forgive me… I hope we can heal.

P. S the title is also the album title of Pink’s latest album, I love Pink because she’s made it okay for me feel how my messy machine of a body feels. She makes me feel like I’m using my mouth and being heard even if nothing comes of it… Like my many doctor’s visits.

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